Dr. Simone Guaraldi is a medical researcher at the National Cancer Institute, Rio de Janeiro. She has a Medical Residency in General Surgery (Hospital Federal Orêncio de Freitas, MS/RJ) and in Oncological Surgery (Instituto Nacional do Câncer, INCA). She did the following specializations:
1) Digestive Endoscopy at INCA (emphasis on gastrointestinal oncology) and Wellesley Hospital (Toronto, Canada);
2) Endoscopic, therapeutic and diagnostic ultrasound in 2001, at the Paoli-Calmettes Institute in Marseille, France, and at the University of Aix-Marseille in Aix-en-Provence, France.
Back in Brazil, Dr. Guaraldi implemented endoscopic ultrasound procedures in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2002, developing the method in the country since then. In the following years, she completed a Masters in 2005 and a Doctorate in 2018 in the field of Medicine at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and INCA, respectively. As a member of the Brazilian Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SOBED), she has been collaborating and working in different sectors: Echoendoscopy Center (coordinator, 2012-2014), Evaluation and Accreditation Commissions of Teaching and Training Centers and International Relations Committees (2015-2014). 2016) and Scientific Committee (2020-2022). Other corporate activities Dr. Guaraldi collaborate with:
1) Associate member of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE).
2) Brazilian representative member of the Latin American Club of Endoscopic Ultrasonography (2016-2018 and 2019-2020). She is an ad hoc reviewer for the following journals: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (she also serves as a member of the international editorial board of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, FI = 5,369), Endoscopic Ultrasound, and Endoscopy International Open.
Dr. Simone Guaraldi has been a co-founder and co-director of the National Meeting of Oncological Endoscopy, known as ENEO (INCA-ICESP partnership) since 2014. At INCA, she works in Assistance, focusing on advanced therapeutic endoscopic and echoendoscopic procedures, especially in the biliopancreatic system (Unit of Endoscopy at Hospital do Câncer I), in the Research (Molecular Carcinogenesis Program/COPq) and in the Teaching Coordination. In Assistance and Research, she develops activities emphasizing technological implementation in oncological gastrointestinal endoscopy (endomicroscopy, advanced elastography and others) and in translational research projects at the endoscopy-carcinogenesis interface. These are especially dedicated to the studies of esophageal and pancreatic cancer. And, in teaching more recently, she mainly developed activities associated with the Medical Education Area. In short, throughout her career, Dr. Simone Guaraldi have sought to acquire skills in assistance, research and teaching.