Welcome to our new series
EndoTalks are discussions hosted by the scientific directors of Endoscopy on Air and the leaders of Women in Endoscopy with selected renowned endoscopists around the world, recognized for their work in specific fields of GI endoscopy.
EndoTalks offer a condensed view of endoscopic topics that concern physicians in their daily practice. During the episodes below, scientific evidence and good practices are shared, stimulating further discussion between the participants. We touch upon basic and innovative endoscopy matters, making it a source of continuous education for all physicians in GI endoscopy, irrespective of their experience or background.
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Special EndoTalk: ASGE debate on NordICC trial on screening colonoscopy effectiveness

NordICC authors Michael Bretthauer and Michal Kaminski in discussion with Douglas Rex and Jason Dominitz, moderated by ASGE president Bret Petersen.

Exclusive EndoTalk: How good are screening colonoscopy results from the randomized NordICC trial?

First author Michael Bretthauer is interviewed by Thomas Rösch about the study, released at the same time as the paper!
Dr. Bretthauer has two decades of experience in leadership, clinical work, research, and medical publications, with a focus on internal medicine and colorectal cancer. After completing an internship at Telemark Hospital in Skien, Norway, Dr. Bretthauer worked as a…
Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy at the University Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. Deputy Editor Endoscopy of the journal GUT.
All EndoTalk Episodes

Season 1 Episode 1
Gender Issues in GI Endoscopy
Gender issues in GI-endoscopy are discussed. Recent studies show that more women than men experience gender bias during endoscopy training, whereas 75% of women gastroenterologists report that men are treated more favorably by endoscopy staff, contrary…

Season 1 Episode 2
Endoscopic Intermuscular Dissection
The new endoscopic approach of Endoscopic intermuscular dissection (or EID) for the treatment of deep submucosal invasive carcinoma in the rectum is discussed. EID is based on the resection of lesions in the space between the circular and longitudinal part…

Season 1 Episode 3
ADR Improvements and What to Do
The PENTAX Medical DISCOVERY™, a new computer-aided detection system (CADe) of colorectal polyps, and its results in a recent pilot study are discussed. The system is utilized during the advancement or withdrawal of the colonoscope. The system’s performance…

Season 1 Episode 4
Disruptive Innovations
The concept of disruptive innovation in Gl-Endoscopy is discussed. Clayton Christensen introduced it to describe an innovation that transforms the field through simplicity, convenience, accessibility, and affordability (it is not a breakthrough technology that improves…

Season 1 Episode 5
ERCP in Pregnancy
Upper GI-Endoscopy in pregnancy is discussed. Valid indications for EGD in healthy pregnant women are generally rare. Pregnancy predisposes for choledocholithiasis, so ERCP might be necessary (indications include cholangitis or biliary pancreatitis)…

Season 1 Episode 6
Colonoscopy Quality
Colonoscopy quality is discussed. A 3-party approach (patient, endoscopy team, endoscope) to guarantee quality is proposed. Patients can be involved in colon cleansing (split preparation, especially with the help of mobile phone apps, use of high-osmolarity/low-volume preparations). The Endoscopist should…

Season 1 Episode 7
EUS FNA – Which Needles?
Aspects of effective EUS-FNA/FNB of solid lesions are discussed. According to Professor Varadarajulul’s experience, the best results are obtained with 22-gauge FNB needles and the fanning technique. Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is usually unnecessary with FNB needles, but if available can give information on the specimen’s cellularity.

Season 1 Episode 8
NordICC: How good is screening colonoscopy?
How good is screening colonoscopy in preventing colorectal cancer? A reduction of colorectal cancer incidence and mortality of 50-80%, is assumed but proof of the magnitude by a randomized study is only coming now from the NordICC randomized trial published in the NEJM in a few days.

Season 1 Episode 9
Colonoscopy Screening for the Younger
Colorectal cancer (CRC) in younger pts is discussed. Screening limits have dropped (45 years in the USA), as a 50% increase in CRC in ages <50 years has been reported. However, this does not apply overall, so appropriate screening for the younger is a matter of discussion.

Season 1 Episode 10
Special EndoTalk: ASGE debate on NordiCC trial on screening colonoscopy effectiveness
After the initial study presentation by Michael Bretthauer, EndoTalks continues the discussion of the NordICC trial on screening colonoscopy with the big ASGE debate with NordICC authors Michael Bretthauer and Michal Kaminski, moderated by ASGE president Bret Petersen and with discussants Douglas Rex and Jason Dominitz.

Season 1 Episode 11
Pancreatic Cystic Lesions
Management of Pancreatic Cysts is discussed. Incidental diagnosis of pancreatic cysts is often nowadays. Guidelines are many and contradicting.

Season 1 Episode 12
Benefits of Sigmoidoscopy on Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality

Season 1 Episode 13
A Hygienic Cover for Duodenoscopes
A new sterile, single-use, disposable, eco-friendly cover (ScopeSeal®, GI Scientific, LLC) that attaches to the distal end of duodenoscopes, acting as a protective barrier to reduce contamination of the scope’s distal end during ERCP procedures is presented.

Season 1 Episode 14
Green Endoscopy: An Introduction
Green Endoscopy is discussed. Endoscopy has been shown to be the third highest waste-generator in healthcare, combining high caseloads, non-renewable materials, and a resource-heavy decontamination process…

Season 1 Episode 15
Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections
EUS-guided drainage of (peri)pancreatic collections are discussed. Adequate indications for drainage, augmented by cross-sectional imaging, are pivotal.