Salvatore Rizzi

Title: MD
Position: Gastroenterologist at U.O.C. of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy
Organization: A.O.U. Consorziale Policlinico di Bari
Country: Italy

Salvatore Rizzi, M.D., is a clinical gastroenterologist, with special interest in interventional endoscopy, at University Hospital – A.O.U. Consorziale Policlinico of Bari.
He received the Degree in Medicine and Surgery on July 1986 with the grade of 110/110 cum laude. From February to November 1989, during the course of specialization in Gastroenterology he served as visiting fellow in the department of Gastroenterology, Presbyterian University Hospital of Pittsburgh – P.A. – USA, with Prof. D.H. Van Thiel and Prof. R.R. Shade. In June 1991, he also attended practical endoscopy at Centre Medico-Chirurgical Foch, Suresnes, Paris, with Prof. B. Meduri. In December 1990, he specialized in Gastroenterology at University of Bari, with a grade of 50/50 cum laude.
From 1993 to 1999, he served as assistant manager in the Cardiology department and ICU at the Hospital of Barletta and obtained the qualification of cardiologist.
Since 1999, he has been practicing digestive endoscopy within the U.O.C. of Gastroenterology at University Hospital, Policlinico of Bari, with special interest in diagnosis and endoscopic treatment of G.I. cancers (advanced endoscopic resection), familial intestinal polyposis, disease of the small bowel (device assisted enteroscopy), achalasia, I.B.D.
He is member of SIED and ESGE.