Guido Schachschal

Title: PD Dr.
Position: Deputy Clinic Director, Specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology
Organization: Klinik und Poliklinik für Interdisziplinäre Endoskopie UKE
Country: Germany

Guido Schachschal is the Deputy Director of the Clinic for Interdisciplinary Endoscopy. With over 20 years of professional experience, he is very familiar with the complex challenges.

His training with Prof. Herbert Lochs at the Charité Berlin (Mitte Campus) and his work as senior consultant at the Sana Klinikum Berlin Lichtenberg made him open to difficult and differentiated clinical pictures and developed a critical, questioning mind. In addition, his strength lies in bringing complex content to the point.

Patient safety during examinations and procedures is particularly important to him. He attaches great importance to precise diagnostics for optimized treatment.

As the author and co-author of three important textbooks for prospective specialists in gastroenterology, Guido Schachschal also deals intensively with the topic of “endoscopy/training”. He passes on his knowledge in numerous training courses and endoscopy courses, and since 2009 he has been one of the main players in the Endoclub Nord.