Fujifilm Italian Masterclass
? March 23, 2022 | ? 14:00-17:00 CET | ? VIRTUAL
The Event video on-demand is available on our Video Library
The Course is complimentary and will be held in the Italian language with available live English translation.
Why join us?
We would like to cordially invite you to a course dedicated to excellence in endoscopic diagnostics and therapeutic procedures. With the opportunity to observe live endoscopic procedures performed by experts who are part of an Italian network that uses Fujifilm technologies, committed to developing an educational and research path at the service of the community of Italian endoscopists.
The Italian experts will also be supported by global KOLs in commenting on the procedures and in developing the discussion between some of the most interesting topics in digestive endoscopy.
The event is organized around 2 main topics:
- Colon Endoscopy
- Biliopancreatic endoscopy
For each topic there will be two live cases (commented by an Italian expert and a young emerging physician) followed by an expert lecture and open Q&A round table by the participants. With a final take-home message in which they will summarize the main and most discussed concepts of the topic.
Course Directors
Chairman of Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Humanitas Research Hospital Milan. Professor of Gastroenterology at Humanitas Medical School Milan Associate Editor of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Board member of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology
Director of the Complex Structure of Gastroenterology and Company Digestive Endoscopy. Head of the Program for the Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancers. Regional Councilor of the Digestive Endoscopy Society. National Councilor of the Italian Group Colorectal Screening
Director of the Operative Digestive Endoscopy Unit at the Bio Medico Campus and practices in Rome at the Pio XI Nursing Home and Clinica Mater Dei.
International Scientific Faculty
Get in-depth viewpoints from a global faculty of endoscopy superstars.
Event Agenda
Add to CalendarOpening address by the Course Directors
Alessandro Repici interviews Davide Campari, General Manager Medical Division – Fujifilm Italia S.p.A., on the developments of Fujifilm Italia:
SESSION 1: Biliopancreatic endoscopy
Lecture: Biliary endoscopy in patients with altered anatomy
Panel discussion: New frontiers in EUS and ERCP
SESSION 2: Colon Endoscopy: from Screening to Treatment
Lecture: New paradigm in lower GI endoscopy: CAD EYE+G-EYE
Panel discussion: Innovation in colonoscopy
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