Professor Siwan Thomas-Gibson is a gastroenterologist, specialist endoscopist and Deputy Director of the Bowel Cancer Screening unit at St Mark’s Hospital London. She is an honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London.
Since January 2017 she has chaired the UK’s Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Her research and clinical interests include improving quality and safety of colonoscopy; improving endoscopic training and assessment; UC surveillance; the management of early colorectal neoplasia and management of GI consequences of cancer treatment.
She continues to work on the development of polypectomy assessment currently running an International study on polypectomy learning curves. She was one of the founders of the British Society Gastroenterology SWIG mentorship project- Supporting Women In Gastroenterology.
She is frequently faculty on national and international meetings, speaking, performing live endoscopy and teaching hands on live endoscopy on many up-skilling courses in the UK and abroad. She has over 60 publications in peer reviewed papers as well as authorship on several books.