Alexander Meining

Title: Professor
Position: Full Professor and Head of Gastroenterogy
Organization: University of Würzburg
Country: Germany

Alexander Meining is full Professor and Head of Gastroenterology at the University of Wurzburg, Germany. He was formerly the head of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy at the Universities of Ulm and TU Munich. He is a member of the European Society of Gastroenterological Endoscopy, German Society for Visceral and Metabolic Diseases, German Society of Endoscopy and Imaging (president) and Bavarian Gastroenterological Society (former secretary).

Prof Meining graduated from the Medical School at the University of Saarland and University of Munich in 1997. His areas of expertise are endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early neoplastic lesions of the GI tract, therapeutic endoscopy of the pancreatico-biliary tract as well as education and training in endoscopy. In 2006, he conducted his research studies for advanced endoscopic techniques in Japan (Showa University, National Cancer Canter, Kitasato East University, Keio University) on invitation of the JESG. He has published more than 150 original research papers. He also released over 50 reviews and letters/case reports. He is also the winner of multiple awards including Ludwig-Demling Grant in 2003 and the ESGE-Innovation-Of-The-Year-Award 2017.